1.As the goods are Intended for a very Important purpose , please see that there be no defect , however slight , In the quality .
2.an easy to use system intended for the accurate verification and measurement of braille dot height on both cartons and labels.
3.Proud of this dazzling gift of Nature, she considered herself intended for a Swan, rather than for that which she was.
4.Having always been musical from an early age, the singer seems to have been intended for the concert stage.
5.Some fights where people are ready to back several thousand dollars against the field are intended for entertainment.
6.As well, the product is intended for adults, he said. 'Our products are not made from milk adulterated with melamine, ' he said.
7.Before Burney, treatises on music had been theoretical, intended for practical use or to elaborate the eternal laws of musical science.
8.All we ever intended for him or expected of him was that he should continue to make people everywhere chuckle with him and at him.
9.Video footage from the rehearsals had been intended to help organizers critique the show and was never intended for public viewing.
10.This book describes a concise and up-to-date treatment program for insomnia intended for a range of health care providers.